Music School

Cooperation partners: Drama and retirement homes

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The Jülich Music School has not only succeeded in integrating itself into the school landscape, but has increasingly extended its sphere of influence to all social and age groups.

With the start of all-day elementary school and increasing afternoon lessons, the Jülich Music School has set out to find new cooperation partners to fill “orphaned” teachers and rooms. Jörg Tetzlaff is the contact person here. The cooperation partners are growing steadily without burdening the school’s own budget: schools, kindergartens, the Aachen Drama School, music therapists and in future – if everything goes as planned – the AOK will also multiply the music school’s offerings.

The music school and the town of Jülich have initiated a special lesson for retirement homes: Magic harp lesson. In addition to finger dexterity, memory is trained and, above all, good feelings are released. “Everyone associates music with memories in their lives: with home, with their mother’s favorite dish, with a landscape,” explains the music teacher. That’s why it’s so nice to sing folk songs again and bring out these treasures. “It’s sensual: for the ear, the eye, the hands – and the feeling!”


If you are interested in offering a magic harp course (flat rate of 250 euros / month), please contact Bernhard Dolfus, phone 02461 / 93650, e-mail

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*Dividing people into age groups provides a useful way of organizing and matching interests and activities. This allows like-minded people with similar life experiences and needs to come together to encourage social interaction and shared activities. However, it should be noted that this categorization is not always universally valid, as we humans have different interests and preferences. For example, a toddler may also enjoy senior bingo. Nevertheless, we have not grouped this activity into this category. The categorization only serves as a guidance!

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