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Glowing Autumn

As the days grow shorter and autumn paints nature in warm colors, Brückenkopf Park Jülich transforms into a glowing work of art. “Herbstlichter” is…

Discover animals

In the midst of the vast Brückenkopf Park Jülich lies a special attraction: a zoo that not only showcases animals but offers a true…

TC Rot Weiß JÜLICH e.V.

Anyone interested in playing tennis will find excellent facilities at TC Rot Weiß Jülich, with 13 clay courts and 2 indoor courts. The club…

Youth Work

Jülich offers a wide range of youth programs organized by both religious institutions and Düren Hospital. These initiatives aim to support the personal development…

JuLab school laboratory

Research meets school: Located in the middle of the research center’s campus, the JuLab school laboratory invites entire classes to conduct their own research…

Güsten Open

Güsten Open For the Grün-Weiß Welldorf-Güsten e. V. tennis club it is above all great tennis fun that they invite to their facility on…

Lucky Dukes Jülich e.V.

Lucky Dukes Jülich e.V. Der Square Dance Club lädt alle Square Dancer der Region alljährlich zum Lucky Summer Dance. Participants have to be on…

FC Germania 09 Kirchberg

FC Germania 09 Kirchberg The club in Kirchberg is one of the traditional clubs in Jülich Land. It was last celebrated in 2019 with…


The Ruraue Jülich is a picturesque region with a rich history, natural beauty and cultural diversity. The Ruraue Jülich stretches along the River Rur…

There are no ordinary jobs in Jülich.
We got jübs!

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Discover countless job opportunities now on jübs, the local career portal. Find your dream job in a user-friendly way and realize your professional goals. Jübs connects you with top employers and opens doors to exciting career opportunities in and around Jülich.

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Europe is lived at the Jülich MGJ.

“MGJ is in Europe—Europe lives at MGJ,” rapped 60 sixth-graders when the Jülich Girls’ Gymnasium received the “European School” certificate. The first curricula on…


Paris has the Eiffel Tower – the Jülicher Land has the “Indemann.” It is a 36-meter-high structure made of 280 tons of steel with…

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