
Culture is the order of the day in Jülich: not only has the art association had its “home gallery” in the venerable Hexenturm since the 1970s and offers courses and lectures, the city also has a lot of music: a variety of choirs and music societies are happy to welcome new members and support from the public. The same applies to amateur drama ensembles. The Kulturbahnhof provides a stage for many of the clubs, as well as its own events such as cinema, concerts and cabaret.

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News on the topic Culture

Art lovers can encounter art in many places in Jülich throughout the year: A stele by Ren Rong stands by the swan pond, Bonitius Stirnberg created the Muttkrate fountain on Kölnstraße and a “Columned Mary” by Maria Fernandez watches over the church square. In Brückenkopf Park, walkers encounter works of art in the truest sense of the word. Twice a…
The curtain rises - the stage comes to life. Acting is a passion that is practiced all year round in Jülich. Every year, three amateur ensembles perform selected plays to sold-out audiences. In addition, the City of Jülich's cultural office offers performances for children and adults. The children's cultural summer has become well established. A small series of performances takes…

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A green legacy

Today, Brückenkopf Park Jülich is a popular destination with vast green spaces, a zoo, and numerous recreational activities. However, many visitors may not know…

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