
Lucky Dukes Jülich e.V.

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Lucky Dukes Jülich e.V.

Der Square Dance Club lädt alle Square Dancer der Region alljährlich zum Lucky Summer Dance.

Participants have to be on their toes for this fun-filled round dance, as there are no set dance sequences in square dancing – but there are different “levels”. The so-called “caller” tells the dancers which steps are required. In the “Mainstream” category, the dancers have to master around 70 figures on call, in the “Plus” category around 110 figures. So you have to be alert, keep your ears open and place your feet skillfully in front of each other. “That means not rehearsing, but reacting. That means always different and never boring,” says the president of the Lucky Dukes.

A “square” always consists of eight people. There are no fixed groups, nor do you necessarily perform as a couple. Every solo dancer finds a partner here. A dance session lasts about 15 minutes, after which the group changes or takes a break.

Square dancing is purely for fun, there’s no competition,” says President Göcking and adds: ”Square dancing trains reaction skills and stamina and can be practiced well into old age – our oldest club member is 84.” Of course, a little practice is still necessary: square dancers can dance worldwide after completing the class, a learning phase lasting around nine months.

Because of this continent-connecting pleasure, the “dance language” is also English. The program is standardized and fixed worldwide. The “calls” (figures) all have their own names. However, you don’t have to speak English to dance along.

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*Dividing people into age groups provides a useful way of organizing and matching interests and activities. This allows like-minded people with similar life experiences and needs to come together to encourage social interaction and shared activities. However, it should be noted that this categorization is not always universally valid, as we humans have different interests and preferences. For example, a toddler may also enjoy senior bingo. Nevertheless, we have not grouped this activity into this category. The categorization only serves as a guidance!

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